Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

Journey Within

Located at 25 Carr St, Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, The Journey Within Spiritualists’s National Union Church was founded in 1996 by its Pastor, the Reverend Janet Nohavec.  It is the first church in the United States of America to be affiliated with the Spiritualist National Union based in the United Kingdom.  Most other American Spiritualist Churches are affiliated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.

Please visit our website for more information:

Journey Within North Spiritualists’ National Union Church
Newark, New York

Journey Within North

Located at 182 Lincoln Rd, Newark, New York, just ten minutes from the Schoolhouse, The Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church was officially opened on Hydesville Day, March 2019. It is also affiliated with the Spiritualist National Union based in the United Kingdom.

Pastor Reverend Janet Nohavec
Sunday Services 10:30am every Sunday –
Our Sunday service includes Spiritual Healing, a Homily, and Mediumship demonstration. Our services are open to everyone regardless of past or current religious beliefs or affiliations.

Please visit our website for more information: