We are please to announce that digital downloads of meditations, lectures and discussions are available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the Schoolhouse Restoration Project.
We are extremely grateful to the many illustrious Spiritualist Mediums who have created these. We are sure you will find them extremely inspirational and educational.
The Light of the Flame – Mavis Pittilla
On March 31, 1848 the Fox sisters began a spiritual revolution in Hydesville, NY at the Fox cottage, across the street from the schoolhouse they attended. The Journey Within has purchased the schoolhouse and needs to raise $250,000.00 to restore it as a healing temple in honor of Spiritualism and our pioneers. When completed we will ring the bell once again announcing, “There is no death, there are no dead; we just slip away through God’s other door.” From the Hydesville site in the historic “Burnt Over district” of New York, the Spiritualist healing temple that the schoolhouse will become will focus on Spiritual healing. Healing that our world, our planet, humans and all sentient beings are in need of, and are promised by the Great Spirit we call God. Will you help us ring the bell again from Hydesville? In gratitude and service, Rev. Janet Nohavec.

Our gratitude goes out to Rev. Mavis Pittilla, Jean Else and Richard Newall for the production of this CD for the restoration project.
We are extremely pleased to announce this CD created by International Medium Mavis Pittilla with music by Richard Newell produced for the Hydesville Schoolhouse Restoration Project. Our gratitude goes out to Rev. Mavis Pittilla, Jean Else and Richard Newell for their help and interest in this restoration
All proceeds go towards the Schoolhouse Restoration.
Spirit Photography by International Medium Lionel Owen
This is a fascinating lecture on Spirit Photography by International Medium Lionel Owen. Lionel owns one of the most extensive collections of Spirit Photography in the world.
“Life as a Journey” by British Medium Chris Drew
Join Chris for an inspiring/ engaging lecture about the Journey of your life. This lecture will inspire you to live this incredible gift we have been given,Life does not promise to be easy, but it does promise a journey that will enrich the soul.
Dare to dream
Dare to live
Dare to love
Dare to be YOU …. Chris x
Gordon Higginson: The Man – The Medium – The Teacher
Lecture presented by International Medium Paul Jacobs
Gordon Higginson was one of the finest mediums of the last century and a great medium, speaker and teacher. His gifts of mediumship were wide-ranging and comprised mental mediumship, trance, physical mediumship and healing. Gordon was also a man of great charisma and an outstanding servant of the Spirit. Learn about this incredible medium from a medium who knew him personally.
The Psychic Detective with Tony Stockwell

The Psychic Detective: My Experiences Working as a Psychic Detective
Lecture with International Medium Tony Stockwell
“Lessons from the Past” by British Minister & Medium Steven Upton
British Minister Steven Upton speaks at The Journey Within on past Trance Mediums Nettie Coburn, Emma Hardinge Britten, Cora LV, JJ Morse, Eileen Garrett and Gladys Leonard and how their influences are still felt today.